The other day I found a paper heart and it said, "I <3's you's," I picked it up out of the street and put it on my door hoping that one of the kids would claim it, and the next day, Pee-wee, said Ms. Colleen you found the heart I made you! Friday night I had friends over for dinner and as we gathered around my island, ate dinner and had fellowship, eyes peered in the windows, and little hand waved through the windows, last week I walked some of my kids to camp a few days out of the week and as I held their hands and walked down the street I realized my blessings, last night as I came inside and had three kids attached to me, I realized my blessings, I've known for a long time that God doesn't always answer our prayers in the way we want Him too, but usually in the way He sees fit for us at the time.
Daily I pray for the Lord to send me someone who will appreciate this life He has called me too, someone who will realize that this isn't just a past time I cling onto until something better comes along, but that this is indeed the calling God has for my life. However tonight as I had my quiet time I realized that my true love and blessing is going to come from making funny faces for a camera with Chase, cuddling on the couch and listening to Daquan read a book to me, taking Kenyon, Maki, Tymonte and Imani to the Farmer's Market and then to Burger King for lunch, doing side walk chalk with Pee-Wee and handing ice cream sandwiches out my "drive-thru" kitchen window, my true love is going to come from the banging on my door, the trips to the library, the hugs and the lessons I am going to learn from these kids.
Tonight I am thankful for the lesson I have learned this week...that God is providing my exactly what my heart desires, even if not in the way I desire!
A few prayer requests:
-I met with some officers at the police station last week, they seem to be interested in what we are doing in the neighborhood and promised to make an appearance at some kidzclub events, so please allow them to stick to their word and actually come and spend some time with our kids.
-Four prostitutes I met on Wednesday evening, we sat in a 24 hour Dunkin Donuts and read the bible until 4:20 in the morning, I have heard from one of the girls since then and am praying that God will connect us so that more work may be done in their hearts and lives.
-For the teams here this week, one from Chicago and one from PA, I am so excited about the ministry that has already begun, and the bonding between all of us, I can't wait to see what God is going to do with this team.
Thanks for your prayers!