Wednesday, August 31, 2011

I found a box and an answer to a prayer

Several years ago I happened up Angel Food Ministries, it's a ministry that helps bring food relief to communities, it allows community members to purchase food at nearly half the cost. It allows a family of four to eat for approximately $35 dollars per week. At the time I discovered Angel Food Ministries I wanted so badly to just start, not ask any questions just GO! Thankfully God pumped the brakes on my race car (I have tendency to take the wheel and take off sometimes), and I realized it wasn't the right time to start this ministry. As I've spent time over the past few months getting to know our community, and still logging onto Angel Food's website regularly I began to pray, I began to ask God when, I began to see the need for something like Angel Food in our community, I began to pray that God would give me the GO!

As I settled into my new office I stumbled upon a box. This wasn't just a box though, it was THE box that would be the answer to my Angel Food Ministry prayer. The box had everything needed to begin taking orders for Angel Food, Captivate was already listed as a host site, everything was all ready to go, the only thing that needed to happen was someone need to be willing to take orders, and be responsible for getting the deliveries out. I knew I was that person, what better way to connect with the families in the community then to offer them a low cost food option? What better way to help the kids eat healthier than to offer their parents low cost healthy food options? What better way to expose people to Jesus and Captivate in a non-threatening way than by helping them be able to afford putting food on their table.

So last week I made the phone calls need to activate us as a host site...and as of September 1st we are now a host site for Angel Food Ministries, we will take both online orders through the Angel Food Ministries website, when you search for our location, and in the office on Tuesdays from 10 a.m.- 12 p.m. You don't have to be a family in need to purchase from Angel Food, anyone and everyone can use Angel Food, the best part is you can pay with Food Stamps, Credit Card or Cash. You can view the monthly menu's on Angel Food Ministries website. I am confident that people both in and outside of our community will benefit from this ministry.

I am praying that over the next month we can really make Angel Food known in our community, that community members will see the benefit of Angel Food, that God would send a few people to help on distribution days, that God would lay it on a few people's hearts to sponsor a box for some families in need, and I pray for blessing over this new to our community ministry.

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