Apparently according to Meiki, I am just like Dwight Howard on the basketball court, haha I think I have a LONG way to go, however the kids, Bryan and I played basketball last night, and man are they good, but I was told by these all-star basketball players that I've got defense skills like Howard! I'm pretty sure (okay not completely sure) that's a compliment! The fact that I played hard core basketball with the kids for an hour last night is something to celebrate for me, Dwight Howard or not I am excited...literally a year ago I would not have been able to do that, I would have shot a few goals and then found something else to do. But part of this journey I am on is a weight loss journey, I feel the best now that I have ever felt in my life...
Being a few days removed from the summer and all of it's madness I've spent some time reflecting, in my four years of ministry I would have to say this was by far the best most successful summer I've ever had serving. It's been so nice to look back and see the fruit from all of the hard work that was put in this summer, one great example of that is with one of the little boys in the neighborhood, you see this kids is a whiner, a hitter, a kicker, and pretty much no one ever wants to play with him. However last night as we played basketball, I invited him to be on my team, there was not hitting, no punching, and only a little bit of whining. The other amazing thing is the respect that the kids are starting to have at one point in our basketball game I grabbed the ball, called a time out and let them know there's not arguing, ball hogging etc. that only had to happen once and that's it. But the even greater reward is the number of kids who are asking questions about Jesus, who want and desire to know more, and who accepted Jesus into their hearts this summer. Five camps, seven missions teams and seven long weeks was completely and totally worth it.
As I begin to settle into a normal routine 'round here I dream about what life is going to look like over the next few weeks, months and years...I get excited about starting bible studies in my home, I get excited about cooking classes, dinners with neighbors, church services in our beautiful old building, opening my home to the kids, trips to the library, reading club, field trips, homework help, making cookies, and loving...I am so excited to love...I read and recite this verse multiple times daily,"A new command I give you; love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another," (NIV John 13:34-35), if nothing else I want people to know I love Jesus and I love them as He has commanded.
Would you join me in prayer for the next few weeks, months and years of ministry here? Would you pray with me as I continue my journey on faith? Would you pray with me as I love that He has called me to just as He loves me? Would you pray as I continue to seek out the plans God has for me and follow them? I am so thankful for prayer partners, thank you for your support and prayers.
Colleen you're such a blessing to those kids and all of your neighbors! I couldn't think of a more perfect person to be in the position you are in. You will continue to always be in our prayers!